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Introduction to Modern Day Slavery, Human Trafficking, the National Referral Mechanism Masterclass

Date: December 7, 2021
All-day event
Location: Online

Introduction to Modern Day Slavery, Human Trafficking, the National Referral Mechanism and best practice when working with survivors, with Nicole Morris

Attendees of this Masterclass will learn the types of exploitation, spotting the signs and what the victim profile looks like.

This session discusses in detail the impact of slavery and trafficking, the challenges and common issues when navigating the National Referral Mechanism as well as identifying victims, and how to express concerns as a professional.

This session also delivers content around the barriers to survivor engagement and provides resources and key services which can support survivors within the anti-trafficking sector. Attendees will be informed of the pre-NRM Safe Place project within the West Midlands for male survivors and explore the importance around the use of appropriate terminology and sensitive language when engaging with professionals and clients and how we can do this.

Hosted by Nicole Morris: Anti-Slavery and Homelessness Development Officer. With previous experience in: Homelessness for St Basils, Youth Intervention Specialist supporting children and young people who were victims of serious youth violence including exploitation at a Hospital and an Advice and Advocacy Coordinator with the WMASN coordinating an all-male safehouse for survivors of modern slavery and trafficking. As well as academically holding a BA HONS Degree in Working with Children, Young People and Families and a Level 3 Certificate in Working with Gangs and Youth Violence

Although you’ve missed the Live Event you can now Purchase this Masterclass today for £9.99! Purchase will include the Live session recording, powerpoint presentation & a certificate of attendance (if requested).